Mixing Bowls

1.5 Liter Melamine Mixing Bowl
1.5 Liter Melamine Mixing Bowl1.5 Liter Melamine Mixing Bowl1.5 Liter Melamine Mixing Bowl1.5 Liter Melamine Mixing Bowl1.5 Liter Melamine Mixing Bowl1.5 Liter Melamine Mixing Bowl1.5 Liter Melamine Mixing Bowl1.5 Liter Melamine Mixing Bowl1.5 Liter Melamine Mixing Bowl1.5 Liter Melamine Mixing Bowl1.5 Liter Melamine Mixing Bowl1.5 Liter Melamine Mixing Bowl

1.5 Liter Melamine Mixing Bowl

These are the original now iconic melamine Mixing Bowls. The heavy wall construction will hold up to the most vigorous mixing. The non-skid rubber ring bottom keeps the bowl in place, just where you want it. A comfortable handle and pouring lip add to the many features that this classic bowl provides.


UPC:dependent upon selected color
Case Pack:6 pcs
Colors:White, Black, Gray, Red, Cobalt Blue, Turquoise, Violet, Orange, Green, Yellow
Material:BPA free melamine

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